01204 885 106

Our number for all branches
Minden, Tottington, Greenmount & Spring Lane

01204 885 106

Our number for all branches
Minden, Tottington, Greenmount & Spring Lane

Check and cancel: our new automated service to easily cancel an appointment

There is a new way that an appointment can be cancelled, simply call the practice, choose to new ‘check and cancel’ option, the great news is you won’t have to wait in a queue as the service is automated, and in just a few steps you can cancel an appointment that is no longer needed so that it can be offered to another patient

We have a new additional way that an appointment can easily be cancelled

  • Simply call the practice.
  • Choose the new ‘check and cancel’ option.
  • The great news is you won’t have to wait in a queue as the service is automated.
  • In just a few steps you can cancel an appointment that is no longer needed so that it can be offered to another patient.
  • It’s also a handy feature if you just want to check the date and time of an upcoming appointment you want to keep.